Meet the Team

  • Paul Rubino


    Paul grew up in the floriculture industry and has spent almost twenty years within the horticultural sector. He has travelled abroad seeing some of the best growing operations the world has to offer. His immense knowledge of production systems, infrastructure and agronomy are the basis of the Green Arc philosophy.

  • Jake Birrell


    Having almost two decades of management and operating experience within the civil and mining sectors. Jake’s professionalism and attention to detail make him a master craftsmen when dealing with geological works, soil amelioration, and civil infrastructure.

  • Douglas Slade


    Dougie has achieved legendary status in the Australian greenhouse industry. With over 30 years experience building and maintaining farm structures all over Australia, if you can grow in it, he can build it.

  • Lucinda Casey


    With impeccable recollection for legislation and limitless knowledge of both environmental and productivity sectors. Lucie is the keystone in merging our philosophy of productive yet sustainable horticulture.

  • Ewan Leighton


    With more than 10 years and counting with the CSIRO and DPI, Ewan has unfathomable knowledge of the agronomy realm. Coupled with a desire to achieve the best possible outcome for our clients, there is no one better to be leading our agronomic department.

  • Marty


    Marty oversees most, if not all Green Arc projects. His pleasant demeanor makes him the perfect choice to be our client liaison. He is currently under contract working for food and board.